Saturday, July 02, 2005

La Ferme D'Animaux

I just finished rereading Animal Farm. While the story carries a powerful message I had forgotten how witty the writing was. I am going to read 1984 next – it will be interesting to pick out the parallels between the two stories.

Hey – I have no problem admitting that HTML coding is not a strongpoint of mine. For some reason I have the Blogger Search/Nav bar showing up right above my most recent post. I manually put the bar back in across the top of the page but I can’t get the smaller one to go away – any ideas?


Mike said...

Yo 2lips...

I would start by removing the extra 'Body' tag you have.

Look for the first instance of 'body' just after your '/head' tag. Then follow the lines down until you see the second 'body' tag. Delete the second one only.

(All these tags are surrounded by <> but the comments will not allow me to display the actual tag... make sure your delete the <> part of the tag as well.)


Mike said...

By the way, ummm.... hate to tell you this but I don't remember ANY farms or animals of prominence in 1984.

Just don't want you to be disappointed.

Mike said...

Under layout (css definitions near the top), go to the line:

#main-wrapper {

and change the line

position: relative;


margin: 0 auto;

That should fix it.

Mike said...

They have rats in 1984, and you can find rats on a farm, right?


Quelly said...

OK - I made that last recommended change and while I can now see the date of the most recent post it still looks funky.
I will make you a cheesecake while you are in town if you just log in and fix it for me...
please, please, please....

Mike said...

Ah, I see... now that I'm viewing this in the dreaded IE it's still a bit funky. Send me you login and I will fix it.

Mrs. Architect said...

I read Animal Farm LONG ago and would actually like to re-read it. I haven't read 1984 so I might read that one first. Thanks for the reminder on those!