Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry: The Rebutle

Who knew that two such innocent looking men could harbor such a venomous hatred for the creator of a young wizard who has been partly responsible for kindling an obsession for reading in youngsters everywhere.

If you were to see them on the street they look like your average, everyday, middle aged men disguised as fathers and husbands. You might even find yourself drawn to their witty turn of a phrase and knowledge of all things apple. They will lull you into a false sense of security while you discuss the recent movies they've seen or books that they've read -(yes, they do read - they are actually very intelligent which makes them that much more dangerous). Right when you are feeling like these two guys are cool enough to be your friend you make the mistake of asking them if they are excited about the 7th Harry Potter book release.

And then it happens - they turn on you like a jungle sniper. They slip into some sort of a trans like tirade going on and on about the evils of J.K. Rowling and randomly spouting of their own ideas of how book 7 should end.

I'm not saying you should walk the other way if you see them coming - I am only posting this as a warning. Unless you are not offended by those who might try to poke holes in the plot of almost 7 years at Hogwarts then just don't mention Harry and you will be just fine.

Here is a picture of part of the group that went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I am not sure what Dad is doing with his 'lucky-hand' and why Michelle thinks it is so funny but it certainly can't be good. Austin's eyes are looking kind of freaky and the two J's, CJ and KJ are there at the end grinning just like two very cool boys should be.

Here are our two witches in training, Shelby and Katie. I think they are casting a spell on me - I hope it is the "you-will-soon-find-a-very-handsome-husband" charm.


Kevin said...

You seriously need to QA your posts. I know someone that will do it for free.

Apple Inc. should be capitalized. It is a name for sure, but should be capitalized because it's APPLE, DAMMIT!

Rebuttal has 2 T's.

there are a couple more but I don't want to get anal ;)

BTW, I love Mike's 'I'm an eye-talian' and I'm gonna kill youz' look.

Jen said...

Kevin and Mike are funny...and so are you!