Saturday, September 05, 2009

The passing of Summer

I love the seasons - all four of them. Some more than others and some aspects of some seasons I really do not care for - like when it crosses into triple digit temperatures in the summer. But, if it never got hotter than 99 I would have to wonder if those lazy summer evenings hanging out on the patio eating good barbecue and drinking the famous Fresca-Grape-Juice-concentrate drink would be as near as enjoyable and relaxing - nothing feels better than the chill of the evening after a scorching summer afternoon.

I could do without snow as well but I do think it is really pretty while it is snowing and after a good storm has blown through and there isn't a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining bright. And it makes Christmas that much better. If I just didn't have to drive in it I think it would only be a good thing.

I always look forward to each season so eagerly. I get so excited when I see the Talbots Fall catalog in my mailbox and it is only the end of July. Thinking about Christmas stirs up so much anticipation - I know it is only Labor day weekend but I want to call my Sister-in-Law and start planning the Christmas Eve menu (which will include those blasted mushroom pop-overs that I always swear I will never make again)

I do try to enjoy the seasons while they are actually happening around me - this summer, although it started off with a bang when I lost my job, actually turned out to be a really good one. I spent a lot of time with friends and family, made a trip to LA that included an amazing day at the beach and I made the conscious decision last winter that this was the summer I would read Gone with the Wind - and I did and loved all 1,042 pages of it.

Seriously, this book was so captivating. I have heard others say that they just couldn't make it through the first one or two hundred pages - what is wrong with you? I bet that if I read it aloud to you your experience would be very different. And that Rhett Butler fellow... all I have to say is, "Edward who?" This book solidified the fact that I want a real man, not some pasty pretty boy with messy hair.

I felt it only fitting to watch the movie as an appropriate tribute to the end of summer. Good bye Scarlet and your 18.5" waist. So long Mammy and your red taffeta petticoat. And a tearful farewell to Mr. Butler - your memory will help keep those chilly Fall and frigid Winter nights nice and warm.

Oh, and good bye summer - until next year....


Mrs. Peterson said...

As you know, I have always loved this book. I think I read it 6 or 7 times before I graduated High School. I always had plans to right the sequel. Sigh. I don't recommend the sequel right now. The pure truth and joy of the novel is still too fresh on your mind.

Jill said...

I love your fall banner!

I also love all four seasons and dislike triple digit summer temperatures and driving in the snow as well, but you're so right about the contrast making the other side of them that much sweeter.

I started reading Gone With The Wind over Christmas Break about 19 years ago and then went back to school and never finished it. Maybe that will be my summer reading for next year. I spent 2 months reading "Here Be Dragons" this summer.