Thursday, June 16, 2005

Rappelez-vous de fermer votre coffret !

So the place where I am working now deals with super-sensitive material and as a result of this I am required to make sure I do not leave any confidential material visible on my desk. If I am going to be away from my desk for longer than 1 hour I am to put everything away in my drawers and Flipper cabinets and lock them. At the end of the day I put my laptop in my flipper cabinet if I don’t need to take it home and I lock it up along with all of my paper work. After hours, a security team does a random sweep of the cubicles and if you are in violation you receive a yellow citation - too many of which will result in termination. Beings that I am not even really employed there yet, I am trying to be extra careful not to get any of these yellow citations.

So, as a result of all of this ‘security’, the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep is, “did I remember to lock my flipper?” This new phenomenon is causing the STRANGEST dreams about flipper cabinets. Last night I dreamt that I had my weekly coordination meeting in my flipper cabinet and we got locked inside – all 8 of us.

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