Thursday, September 08, 2005

J'aime mon travail (I love my job)

I love my job. Really. I really enjoy what I do. It is very challenging, I am never board and I get to be bossy, which I do very well. Of course, I haven’t been raked over the coals by any of my clients or Sr. Management yet. I know this is part of the position so I am trying to thicken my skin as much as possible before the first blow. The fall is the busiest time of the year for the industry I work in. Crazy busy. Last year the location I am working in had about a 300% increase in client base around this time and much of the staff was new so the busy time last year was hell on wheels, so I hear. Mandatory 12 hour days at a minimum, people taking breaks and sleeping in their cars others having to bring their kids into the office and have them sleep under the desks. I signed on knowing this but also knowing that the staff was far more knowledgeable this time around. What makes me nervous and somewhat uncomfortable is that all of the sudden about 5 people in my group have put in their notice – Not sure what to think – until I sort all of this out I am just going to turn my iPod up and settle into my little cubicle and ‘giter’ done.


Kevin said...

Rotsa ruck. See ya in January when you come outta yer hole!

Jen said...

Oooh, that is scary.

Hey, email me and tell me what you do!