Monday, June 18, 2007

Blog of the Week

I have found so many fun new blogs over the past few months that I have been meaning to add to my list of links. Instead of adding them all at once I thought it would be kind of fun to introduce a new blog each week.

These blogs are created by individuals who motivate and inspire me in so many ways. They are so creative and accomplished and from what I can tell from their blogs, seem so nice too.

When I come across someone who is just amazing I usually tell them that I want to be them when I grow up (I promise this is meant as a compliment) so I will entitle my new link list

I will work on the logo at a later date

Yes, this really is me - I have been VERY 'into' sunglasses and bags from a very young age. Clearly my childcare skills were lacking.

The first blog that I am going to start my list with has been mentioned a couple of times before in various posts.

Marta is as witty as she is creative. Her writing is fun and insightful and her digital design is always very classy. Some of my favorite posts of hers are when she gives a recap of the various soirees that she has hosted like this one and this one. I also enjoy the posts exhibiting all of her creations. She has some very sassy hand writing and her collages are the reason I am constantly tearing pictures out of magazines.

To have some of Marta's creations of your very own, you can visit her Mini Mart and shop for whatever treasure inspires you.

I came across Marta's blog via a blog of a friend of Jen's and have found even more fun blogs from Marta's that will be spotlighted in coming weeks. So, for all 3 of my readers out there, click on over and take a peek, I promise you will not be disappointed.

I want to be Marta when I grow up....


marta said...

wow. thanks! what compliments. quelly, you are too too kind.

Mike said...

Don't I motivate and inspire?

Quelly said...

Not really Mike but I think you are very nice and I can't wait to see you and the Guad clan in a couple of weeks...

Mike said...

I'll try harder then :-(

Jen said...

I love Marta's blog, too, but I mostly love that picture of you! You should make it bigger!