Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Jerome Update:

So, the company I work for has an annual internal survey for all employees. It is pretty lengthy and for the most part the questions are applicable and I fill it out willingly without much hope of seeing anything improve significantly. One of the questions on the survey is, “Do you have a best friend at work.” I think it is kind of cute that the company wants to know if we have friends at work. I think having a good relationship with your coworkers is very important and it is all the better when there are a couple of people that you can really connect with. The guy I wrote about a couple of weeks ago that was terminated was one of my Best Friends at Work, (or BFW if you are texting.)

Anyway, my other two BFWs met Jerome for lunch. (I have renamed our buddy Jerome so that when I talk to him on my cell at work big brother won’t know who I am talking to.) It was so good to see him. He has only been gone for 2 weeks and he looked great! He had lost some weight and had a great tan. He had a few leads he was pursuing for potential employment and was basically just enjoying his summer with his kids.

I am glad Jerome is in good spirits and jealous that he gets to enjoy the salad days of summer all day everyday –
Here’s to Jerome!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I FOUND you!! I've found a bunch of these blogs in the wake of the 10 year high school reunion, and it has been kind of fun to see what people have been up to since high school. Hope you are doing well. We still need to go to dinner one night soon. Don't be a flake! Are you free next week?

--Ryan Done