"Would there be a fine today?" I would think to myself and then let out a sigh of relief when the librarian would then start scanning my little stack of books.
I would be furious with my mother when I would be told there was a fine - just furious - but over the years I have been able to let go of that anger as I nurse my own insatiable love for reading. I thank my mother for this wonderful addiction.
I remember the first 'chapter' book I read - I think it was a little above my reading level but I loved how beautiful the cover was so I begged my mom to let me check it out. The book was Black Beauty. My mom told me that when I came across words that I didn't know to look them up in the dictionary and then ask her if I still didn't understand. I don't remember how old I was but I must have been very young because my mother was hesitant to let me choose that book. I am glad that she did though.
When I turned 12 or 13 my mom gave me Pride and Prejudice and Emma. She sat down with me and told me the stories and then told me that I reminded her of the heroines. I remember it being a bit difficult of a read for me at that age but I also remember LOVING every single word. I still love re-reading these books over and over again today.
Before being introduced to Jane Austin I was submersed into the world of Nancy Drew and this is where I stayed for some time. I have memories of smuggling a Nancy Drew mystery to church with my scriptures. I also have memories of being caught. I loved Miss Drew. I wanted to be her.
As mentioned in my previous post I have had a rough couple of weeks. Work has been more busy and stressful than usual - I have actually had to get up early and get to work before the early birds arrive - those of you that know me know that I am NOT a morning person and that this is a struggle for me. By Friday afternoon I had had enough. I still had TONS to do but I needed a breather so I decided to go and see Nancy Drew.
I LOVED IT!!! It was so fun to go back to that simple time when solving a mystery felt so grown up and so fun all at the same time. Little Emma Roberts was just delightful in the role. I think every single little girl (no age limit in force) should go and see this movie.
Later that night I was flipping through the channels and guess what I found on the Turner Classic Movie channel? A Nancy Drew film shot in 1939 - Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase - it was hysterical! What a great way to spend my Friday night!!!

Interesting that you bring up books right now.
I was in a meeting at my '2nd job' at BookWise the other day and I was totally enthralled at the conversation as to which books to include in this months catalog. Everyone was talking about the book they were currently reading. I was thrilled to be able to be part of the conversation and talk about being in the throes of reading 'Moby Dick'. I can't wait to try some of the other books people were mentioning.
thanks for your comment on my blog.
i love your header, the name of your blog and that your wrote deep in the heart of Sandy, that is cracking me up.
stop by anytime. happy blogging.
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