Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why I love to read

I love to read. I grew up watching my mother reading constantly. She would check books out of the library and had books in little stacks all over the house. Returning the books on time wasn't a strong point of hers so she would rotate using her children's library cards. You never knew what was going to happen when you went to the library to check out books - I remember holding my breath when they would scan the bar code on my card.

"Would there be a fine today?" I would think to myself and then let out a sigh of relief when the librarian would then start scanning my little stack of books.

I would be furious with my mother when I would be told there was a fine - just furious - but over the years I have been able to let go of that anger as I nurse my own insatiable love for reading. I thank my mother for this wonderful addiction.

I remember the first 'chapter' book I read - I think it was a little above my reading level but I loved how beautiful the cover was so I begged my mom to let me check it out. The book was Black Beauty. My mom told me that when I came across words that I didn't know to look them up in the dictionary and then ask her if I still didn't understand. I don't remember how old I was but I must have been very young because my mother was hesitant to let me choose that book. I am glad that she did though.

When I turned 12 or 13 my mom gave me Pride and Prejudice and Emma. She sat down with me and told me the stories and then told me that I reminded her of the heroines. I remember it being a bit difficult of a read for me at that age but I also remember LOVING every single word. I still love re-reading these books over and over again today.

Before being introduced to Jane Austin I was submersed into the world of Nancy Drew and this is where I stayed for some time. I have memories of smuggling a Nancy Drew mystery to church with my scriptures. I also have memories of being caught. I loved Miss Drew. I wanted to be her.

As mentioned in my previous post I have had a rough couple of weeks. Work has been more busy and stressful than usual - I have actually had to get up early and get to work before the early birds arrive - those of you that know me know that I am NOT a morning person and that this is a struggle for me. By Friday afternoon I had had enough. I still had TONS to do but I needed a breather so I decided to go and see Nancy Drew.

I LOVED IT!!! It was so fun to go back to that simple time when solving a mystery felt so grown up and so fun all at the same time. Little Emma Roberts was just delightful in the role. I think every single little girl (no age limit in force) should go and see this movie.

Later that night I was flipping through the channels and guess what I found on the Turner Classic Movie channel? A Nancy Drew film shot in 1939 - Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase - it was hysterical! What a great way to spend my Friday night!!!


Kevin said...

Interesting that you bring up books right now.
I was in a meeting at my '2nd job' at BookWise the other day and I was totally enthralled at the conversation as to which books to include in this months catalog. Everyone was talking about the book they were currently reading. I was thrilled to be able to be part of the conversation and talk about being in the throes of reading 'Moby Dick'. I can't wait to try some of the other books people were mentioning.

everything pink! said...

thanks for your comment on my blog.
i love your header, the name of your blog and that your wrote deep in the heart of Sandy, that is cracking me up.
stop by anytime. happy blogging.