Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A good day

(This is me except I would never wear those earrings and my hair isn't that long and I think my teeth are whiter)

It appears that my 2009 year in review is not going to happen - at least not right now anyway... it is already April after all. It was a pretty big year for me and I do want to document some of the bigger events - like the trip I took my super-cool nephew on last June and the fact that I got a dog - the cutest dog in the WORLD! One pretty big thing that happened was loosing my job and getting a new one and that leads to this being a good day.

Today I was innocently sitting at my desk working away when the VP over my department sat down and began to complement me on how well I did on a conference call we were both on earlier (yes, I am finally back in a working space where people can actually come in and sit down to talk to me). She went on to explain that thanks to my work and my excellent communication skills the project that was being proposed was going to move forward - it is a project slated to cost a pretty penny- it is a pretty big deal. I wasn't expecting any praise. I had spent the last month gathering the necessary information, identifying the risks and then presented my findings in conjunction with my recommended action plan. If you know me, you know that I am a talker and getting my point across comes naturally.

My previous work experience would have never generated a conversation like that. ever. Today I finally felt smart again. I finally felt like the capable intelligent person I know that I am. I was praised as a result of my efforts - not because the VP thought I was cool or because I had really cute purses (which I do, by the way).

Just that little bit of positive feedback made all the difference.

It was a really good day.


Kevin said...

Very cool! Very very happy for you. This is the way it should be and far too much it is not.

I'm waiting for this to happen to me too. I fear I have a long wait :(

But now I know that it is still possible! Thanks Sis!

and Congrats!

Jen said...

You are the best...and you DO have a really cute purse:)

marta said...

you won my giveaway quelly, congrats to you!! visit my blog and email me your prize preferences. hooray hooray.