Friday, July 10, 2009

Favorite Nights

Now that I am not working, I no longer look towards Friday and the light at the end of the tunnel of the week. Now it is Wednesday and Thursday nights that I live for.

A couple of years ago, Jennifer-june turned me onto So You Think You Can Dance and I never really looked back. I did protest at first complaining that I already had too many shows I was watching and I didn't need another one. Silly me.

This season has been GREAT so far - So Much Talent! And my favorites are still in the running.

Evan is my #1 favorite guy. I fell in love with him last year but he didn't make it to the top 20. He is more of a Broadway style dancer - he reminds me of a Gene Kelly or a Fred Astaire.

This year he auditioned with his brother (who choreographs for him) and they both made it to the final cut and, for drama sake I'm sure, it came down to the two of them but Evan prevailed! (if you were worried about what became of his brother, never fear, he auditioned for the fall season and made it pretty much straight through to Vegas week. Hopefully we will see him in the top 20 in the next go around).

I wouldn't say that Evan is the best dancer of all the guys but I just love his style and hope that he sticks around for a few more weeks.

Choosing my #1 girl pick is much more tricky - so far all of my favorites are still in the running. I should give a shout out to Randi who just happens to be from Utah and was Evan's partner up to this point in the season. She is adorable and a great dancer.

Kayla is just amazing - a completely flawless dancer but I must admit that I like some sass to my dancers and she doesn't come across as very sassy. She can still prove me wrong however.

I am loving Janette but I am trying to decide if it is her I love or the numbers she has been given to dance - she completely nails everything they throw at her which has to say something.

Jeanine is also very strong and I have loved watching her and Philip together. (Philip, not surprisingly went home this week - he is an amazing popper but wasn't near as strong in the other styles. He will be going on tour and I can't wait to see him again)


Jen said...

K...Love this post! Can't wait until tomorrow to see what they come up with next! Love all those who you love, but you didn't mention Brandon, who I also think is amazing. I think he makes Janette a better dancer (like her, HATE HER HAIR!) I'll miss Phillip--I've been following him the past few seasons when he auditioned...but you're right--he just couldn't compete with the other guys in contemporary or ballroom. Are you up for going to the concert this year??? Can't wait!

Jill said...

I adore Wednesday and Thursday nights because of this show! It's totally addictive, but in a good way.

I think all the girls are great this year, but Jeanine is my favorite. I really like Evan too!